“Faith of Our Fathers”

Get Pastor Collier’s newest book “Faith of Our Fathers,”  on sale now for $20!

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Every book that God gives me represents a grace act, as well as a faith-building exercise. Thus, I am humbled and amazed at His revelation for each new project. I am “Exhibit A” of the notion that, “we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing greatness of the power may be of God and not from ourselves” (2 Corinthians 4:7). So, to God be all the glory for this venture.

Equally true, I proudly proclaim my absolute allegiance and full loyalty to my Savior and Lord. In Christ I am cleansed, complete, calm, and collected. Daily I find in Him refreshment and rest for my soul. Every fiber of my being is connected and sensitive to His presence. Bless His holy name!

The revelation of truth regarding Christ emanates from the wellspring of God’s Holy Spirit. The promised Helper teaches and brings to my remembrance salient insight from the Word of God for the people of God, for the advancement of the kingdom of God. What He speaks, I vow to write!

Our church family—Pleasant Green Baptist Church in Kansas City, Kansas—represents a rich laboratory for exploring and sharpening Christ’s mission of making disciples. For nearly fifteen years, we have enjoyed a spiritual love affair, with a major kingdom impact. We aim for excellence (not perfection!) in Jesus Christ.

My church staff (administrative and volunteer) is among the best anywhere! They help me focus, dream, cover the saints, envision our future in Christ, pursue, soar, and achieve, all for the glory of God. Thanks for producing another book.

The Office of the Pastor invests emotion, vigor, wisdom, research, typing, marketing ideas, and more in these written pursuits. Bless you for the victory!

The ever-fresh eyes of a wise, caring editor enrich a book project. Great gratitude to Helen Gray for all she does in enhancing these works.

I sincerely appreciate my family: wife, Jennifer; son, Jarvis II; and daughter, Jillian for sharing me with the church, the nation, and the world. I trust that the completion of another book reminds you of all the sacrifices you make; and I pray you recognize my dedication to the Christian ministry.

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