“Victory in Christ” Media Outreach
Designed as a means of demonstrating “Victory in Christ,” this outreach has sought to reach the greater Kansas City area with a redemptive message. For over 20 years, our television ministry aided the lost, encouraged the saved, and served to disseminate Scripture truths to the widest audience. We continually enhanced the quality of our broadcast, having spent several months on the “national” and “international” Word Network.
Presently, each Sunday both worships are streamed live online. We take to the Internet (www.pleasantgreenkcks.org) with a word from the Master. It is our goal to remain: “On the air ’til He comes in the air!” We constantly seek new ways to adapt the technology to spreading the gospel of Christ. Bro. Steven Graves serves as Coordinator.
Radio Ministry
Much like other media, our radio ministry seeks to convey the love of God for humanity, through the sacrificial death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. For over 40 years, this church has taken to the airwaves with the message of hope, faith, salvation, healing, deliverance, joy and peace with the Creator, as we come in the name of the Son. Locally, the radio broadcast is heard Sundays, 8: 30 AM on KPRT 1590 AM.
Media Ministry
Dedicated, hard-working, sacrificial saints of God, who manage the overall production of our weekly television, radio and audio/video tape outreach. This work includes serving as camera operators, video editors, sound engineers, lighting monitors, and more. We aim to produce and make available for purchase, high quality audio Cassettes, CDs, DVDs, and VHS versions of all preached messages, musicals and programs. Bro. Cedric Keith serve as Coordinators.
College/University Students
We celebrate post-secondary education (college/university/graduate/doctoral) as the “gateway” to insight and lasting, professional achievement. Accordingly, we encourage all students, providing them with practical tools for navigation of higher education (applications; financial-aid; ongoing support, etc.). Presently, we thank God for 15-20 enrolled college/university/graduate/doctoral students. Sis. Angela Graves serves as Coordinator.
Christian Singles
Recognizing that Christ calls believers in different states, we celebrate healthy, joyous, dynamic and progressive Singles in the body of Christ. This ministry stands against resentment, loneliness, despair and frustration with one’s single status. Participants find “wholeness” in their relationship with Christ and with one another, for lives of spiritual triumph. Some of the manifestations of this ministry are: Spiritual Encouragement Sessions; Singles Conference; Community Outreach projects; Health and Fitness Awareness; and more. Sis. Kaenisha Kennedy serves as Coordinator.
Web Team Ministry
In the 21st Century, we take advantage of the innumerable technological opportunities available on the Internet, allowing us to bridge the “digital divide.“ We seek to utilize the available technology to communicate the love of God with all humanity. Our Web site: www.pleasantgreenkcks.org features a wide range of information regarding our church, pastor, beliefs, multi-faceted ministries, worship times, directions to our campus, plans, expansion, and up-coming major events. There, also, we have put opportunities to serve God and advance His Kingdom. This ministry welcomes new persons with knowledge, creativity and dedication to spiritual excellence. Bro. Abdul Yahaya serves as Coordinator.
Birth Month Fellowships
The entire church family is divided into 12 smaller units, clustering members on the basis of the month of one’s birth. Each birth month (“small groups”) regularly meets for prayer, fellowship, mutual encouragement, sharing of needs, and the dissemination of vital information from and to the Pastor and the larger congregation. Monthly, each Birth Month sponsors a special evening worship, at which time spiritual gifts of song, poetry, dance, drama are featured.
Internal Design Drama Ministry
To foster artistic expression while conveying the Christian message, we offer an acting ensemble. These persons possess love for God, talent, professionalism, willingness to rehearse, ability to memorize lines, and a desire to communicate God’s love in Christ. Sis. Marcia Brown serves as Coordinator.
Health Care
Calling on the knowledge, expertise and compassion of PGBC members who are or have been employed as professional health care providers in secular settings, this Ministry exists to advise the congregation on matters pertaining to health and healthy choices (dieting, exercise). Additionally, they sponsor Health Fairs, Seminars, and Workshops, during which times other health care professionals visit here, for the benefit of the church and the community at large. Working with the American Red Cross, they sponsor two annual “Blood Drives,” where PGBC members are encouraged to donate blood, on the designated Sundays, in our Glory Center area. Sis. Hope Davis serves as Coordinator.